Our Thematic Areas
Economic Empowerment
Provide youth with vocational skills such as brick laying, carpentry, tailoring, phone repairing, mechanics, plumbing, electrical installation, agriculture. These will be provided through vocational schools, engagement of experts to train youth groups, mobilization of the youth to register with TEVETA and government community technical colleges
Health and Hygiene
Facilitate the prevention and management of health and welbeing as well as water sanitation and hygieve. Prevention programmes shall among other things include behavioral change campaigns, awareness campaigns and programs designed to prevent as well as cure infections and manage outbreaks.
Food Security and Nutrition
Facilitate the introduction of new agricultural technologies, proper food preservation and storage and consumption, food marketing, cooperatives and value addition, dietary habits, and agribusiness.
Education and Capacity Building
Support the needy and vulnerable groups with school fees and materials, introduce go-back to school programmes for girls and adults, initiate school improvements programmes (solar installation, construction of class blocks), introduction of school feeding programme, girls support for school retention and health through mother groups. Identification of community asserts and groups as well as designing and implementation of programmes that will empower and fill the gaps in community development.